standard-title REALTOR® Information Lead Sources & Distribution

REALTOR® Information

Lead Sources & Distribution

The real estate section at is powered by the CGMLS (Central Georgia MLS). All listing information & sources are property of CGMLS. All online leads, including information requests, listing sign-ups, property organizer sign-ups and showing requests made by end consumers will be directed to the listing agent automatically. If a property has more than one listing agent, the primary listing agent will receive the lead information. The email address on file with the CGMLS will be used to distribute leads. Please ensure that your email address with the CGMLS is current. We are unable to change distribution emails for you. All leads from are distributed without charges.

Featured Agents

Any Realtor®, real estate agent, broker, property manager, and salesperson is able to feature his/her/their business as Featured Business on Just like any other local business, agents can highlight their business in the real estate category. Advertising / Featured Business Listings will not affect the distribution of leads. All leads are distributed to the primary listing agent / listing broker. 

  • Stays on top of all pages, including the real estate category
  • Highlight business website, hours of operation, deals, discounts
  • Drive traffic to your own personal or business website
  • SEO included – optimized for Google searches